Footpath 8

Rollesby Road to Cowtrot in Rollesby Parish

Physical Character

The green track about 12 feet wide leaves Rollesby Road at TG454171 going east with a hawthorn hedge on the north side.  On the south side are post and wire fences forming paddocks for horses.

At TG456171 the green track turns south with post and wire fencing on the west side and open to the cropped field on the east side.  It is difficult to know at what point it crosses the boundary into Rollesby Parish, however, eventually the track becomes a path between ancient hedges - about eight feet apart - of a great variety of species - hawthorn, sloe, sycamore, maple, ash, cherry, ivy, roses and bramble.  I am reliably informed that primroses bloom there in the spring.  At TG455167 the path takes a right angle turn east and in parts becomes a hollow track about three feet below the level of the adjoining fields before reaching the first house at Cowtrot.

Historical Ecology

Looking at the 1884 O.S. map I think that the path going south from TG456171 was an ancient track between hedgerows that has since been obliterated by modern farming.  It was possibly a route from Martham Hall to the villages of East Flegg, crossing between Ormesby and Rollesby Broads by boat before a bridge was built.

1. The path leaves Rollesby Road

2. The path turns south at TG456171

3. Farther south where evidence of a former hedgerow can be seen

4. Going south across another cropped field

5. The beginning of the path between hedgerows


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1_ The path
                      leaves Rollesby Road
2_ The path
                      turns south at TG456171
3_ Farther
                      south where evidence of a for
4_ Going south
                      across another cropped fi
5_ The
                      beginning of the path between hed