Footpath 9

The Green Lane from Martham Hall to Gibbet Hill ie from TG460175 to TG472178

Physical Character

The green track starts from the farmyard opposite Martham Hall at TG460175 and goes east, measuring about 16 feet wide.  On the south side there is a hedge of hawthorn and on the north a hedge of ash, hawthorn, ivy and blackthorn – once a layered hedge.   A lane about 16 feet wide branches off to the north at TG467177 towards Hemsby Road.  The main green lane continues east in an almost straight line with the remains of hedgerows very evident in places.  A lane 16 feet wide branches off to the south at TG469178 to Dairy Barn farm with a hawthorn hedge on the west side of it.  The main green lane continues eastwards and becomes about 12 feet wide, grassy and slightly raised above the adjoining fields.  There were prunus trees on the north side, on the site of a former hedgerow.

Historical Ecology

Near to the start of this track in Hall Road is a very ancient pollarded oak tree.  Martham Hall was a manor belonging to the Bishop of Elmham in pre-Norman times.  The Bishopric also held Hemsby Manor, and both manors became the possessions of the Bishopric of Norwich until the Dissolution of the Monasteries.  In the 14th century an enormous barn which is still standing, was built at Hemsby to store the crops from both manors.  The route from Martham Hall to Hemsby would therefore have been an important and well-used one for many centuries.  The 1884 O.S. map shows hedges each side of the lane throughout its entire length.

The Enclosure Map of 1812 shows this as ‘Private Road No.6’.  That surely indicates that is was already a well established route which it was important to retain.

1. The very ancient pollarded oak tree in Hall Road

2. Leaving Martham Hall

3. The track going east from Hall Road

4. The track going off northwards at TG467177

5. Looking east at the junction TG468178 with the old track going south to Dairy Barn Farm

6. The track continuing east towards Hemsby Road

7. Looking back along the track at the junction with Hemsby Road


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1_ The very
                      ancient pollarded oak tree i
2_ Leaving
                      Martham Hall
3_ The track
                      going east from Hall Road_j
4_ The track
                      going off northwards at TG4
5_ Looking east
                      at the junction TG468178
6_ The track
                      continuing east towards Hem
7_ Looking back
                      along the track at the j