Soon after the last Annual Parish
Meeting – on Friday 24th May a large audience
gathered at Flegg High School to watch the film ‘Martham
Stories’. This work was the culmination of
many weeks of hard work by the pupils of Flegg High,
Media Projects East, local historians and members of the
History Group. The response by the people of
Martham to take part in this film was remarkable. Copies
of the film on sale on the night rapidly sold out, with
orders for more being taken. If you haven’t seen the
film, I think there are still a few copies at the Post
Office and it can easily be found online. Click here to
see all the films!
The membership of our Group continues
to grow – we now have 50 members - so we must be
providing something for everyone in our
programme. Look out for the Posters and find
our website. Our annual subscription is still
only £10, which includes reduced entry to most meetings
and free tea and biscuits at those
meetings. Membership is open to everyone and
visitors are always welcome.
We meet once a month in the winter
either in the Methodist schoolroom or the village hall
to listen to talks ranging from Postcards as a Source of
Local History to The Friendly Invasion of the Yanks in
East Anglia during World War 2. With the First
World War very much in peoples’ minds this year we had a
welcome return from Neil Storey who spoke about Norfolk
in early months of that World War. Some of the
stories from these speakers were amusing others very sad
and thought provoking. Following on from
these talks a gentleman in the village came round with
some old WW1 photos that he had inherited. He
was unsure of the people in them and any other
information about them so we took them to the Regimental
Museum at the Castle Museum in Norwich. The
curator there will be writing to him with any
information she can discover.
In the summer we ventured further
afield - a coach trip to Bury St. Edmunds and Ickworth,
the Garden Club joining us for this event. We
also enjoyed two local visits, one to West Somerton
Church and Hall and another to Moregrove.
We held our Annual Dinner in the
Kings Arms in January, which was enjoyed by all who
attended. Our AGM was held in September when
our founder member and Chairman, Ann Meakin, decided to
step down. In recognition of all her hard
work we decided to make Ann our first
President. She remains on the Committee as
Programme Secretary and Noel Mitchell is now the
Chairman. The rest of the Committee remains the same but
we are always on the lookout for new blood and new
Lastly, we are grateful to the Parish
Clerk and all those businesses who display our posters,
and to Chapman’s butchers who also act as our booking
Our thanks to all of them.