The life of David
Hinderer has been published in Germany in 2021. It
provides a useful and uplifting biography of David's
life, and of Anna's work too. A full version is
available by kind permission of the researchers.
To read it click on the link here.
The researchers came across David's story when visiting
Martham, as described by Uwe Jens Wandel below.
[Photographs: Anna and David Hinderer's
gravestone (top right); the old Rectory at Martham
(bottom left) - photos Chris Harrison; and Ann
Meakin's book on Anna Hinderer (bottom right)]
'We came across the grave of the Hinderers by
chance during our annual holiday in 2013 in
Norfolk, thanks to the Martham Parish
Church Brief History & Guide, a church
guide produced by Chris HARRISON and Ann MEAKIN,
Martham 2010. It is also mentioned in the short
guide Welcome to the Parish Church of St.Mary
the Virgin.It was
also helpful to have a list of burial sites in the
church (which are preserved indefinitely in
Norfolk Family History Society (Ms. Mary Mitchell)
helped us decipher the original funerary
inscription, whom we warmly thank.
In 2017 the grave markers (top right) were restored by
Colin Smith and you can hear about his work here.
The Hinderers lived for a short time in the old Rectory
at Martham (below), where Anna died on 6th June
1870. David Hinderer was employed as the Curate
here from 1869 when the couple left Nigeria, to
1873. The blue plaque to Anna and David was
dedicated by the Bishop of Norwich in 2017 and is
described here.
If you want to read about Anna's work in Nigeria there
is a readable account here.
The extraordinary life of Anna can be explored in Ann
Meakin's book, available in the library (bottom right).
To download the
pdf of the book on David Hinderer click here,
or on the blue font below.