February 2014 saw another packed
meeting in the Methodist Schoolroom. Retired school
teacher Richard Matthew is a volunteer guide at Dragon
Hall, Norwich. His work there had inspired him to
investigate the life of Robert Toppes – probably the
builder of Dragon Hall and certainly the richest man in
Norwich at the time when it became the second city of
Richard led us on an enthralling
journey through the maps, wills, letters, tax bills and
court records from which he had drawn together the life
of Norfolk’s “Medieval Richard Branson”. Starting as a
fabric dealer, by the time he died in the mid-1400s
Robert Toppes had been Alderman, Sheriff, Mayor and MP,
and had married into the gentry, collecting his own coat
of arms along the way. He was into import-export, had
become a property developer, owning innumerable
residential and business buildings throughout Norfolk,
and was owed money by so many people that he must have
been a money-lender too.
He was a publicist as well, but in a
very 15th Century way. With no television, press or
internet he made sure that influential people knew about
him by endowing the St Peter Mancroft Church with a
30-panel stained glass window, right behind the altar
where everyone could see it. About religion and the
bible? Well, a bit. But heavily depicting himself, his
two wives, his crest and a variety of clues which would
make anyone say, “Oh yes. That’s Robert Toppes’ window.
Remember him?”
Noel Mitchell
(Below: Richard
Matthew, Robert Toppes, Medieval Mercer of