Links to local websites on local history


Please let us know if any of the links get broken.  If any members would like to recommend sites of interest to Martham Local History Group we would be pleased to hear from you.

Contact the Secretary through this page here.

There are some fascinating websites that might be of use to you if you are interested in local history.

For example, we have found the following useful:

The Great Yarmouth Local History and Archaeological Society (which carries a link to MLHG) can be found at or click here

The Museum of the Broads (frequently part of our programme),  which can be found at:  or click here.

An impressive archive for a small village nearby is one for Ludham.  Many of us have admired the Ludham Archive Group's work over many years.  Please use them: they helped us when we were designing this site.  The Ludham Community Archive Group can be found at:

The Norfolk Record Office is a favourite haunt for local historians, and their talks are very good too.  Their online and real talks are very popular, and usually free.  They can be found at: 

Peter Dawson's website, Home of the History of Martham, is a new website which you might find interesting.  It carries a link to Martham Local History Group and can be found at:

Other websites and links will be added to this list in due course!  Members are advised to let us know about them!

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