The Great Yarmouth Local History
and Archaeological Society
(which carries a link to MLHG) can be found
at or click here
The Museum of the Broads
(frequently part of our programme), which
can be found at: or click here.
An impressive archive for a small
village nearby is one for Ludham. Many of us
have admired the Ludham Archive Group's work over
many years. Please use them: they helped us
when we were designing this site. The Ludham
Community Archive Group can be found at:
The Norfolk Record Office is a
favourite haunt for local historians, and their
talks are very good too. Their online and
real talks are very popular, and usually
free. They can be found at:
Peter Dawson's website, Home of
the History of Martham, is a new website which you
might find interesting. It carries a link to
Martham Local History Group and can be found