Martham Local History Group (MLHG)

Data Protection Policy

25 May 2018



This policy is based on the General Data Protection Regulation, effective 25.05.2018, which concerns how organisations manage and make use of personal data. The policy will be published on the MLHG website.

Administration of this policy will be in the hands of the Treasurer/Membership Officer. Oversight of the administration and further development of the policy will lie with the Committee through means of a standing item on every committee meeting and AGM agenda.

1.      Our lawful basis – consent

MLHG believes that it has the lawful right to request and process the personal data of members joining on or after 25.05.18 as consent will have been sought and affirmed on the Membership Application Form for personal data to be used for the purposes described on that application and in paragraph 3 below.

Members who joined before 25.05.18 are presumed to have given their consent through their previous acceptance of our processes but will have their attention drawn to this policy document, in particular to paragraph 5.

2.      Personal data requested of members

The application form asks for only: forename and surname, postal address, email address and telephone number

3.      Use of members’ personal data

In the management of MLHG.

To provide such information as may allow members full involvement in MLHG activities.

To inform members of other local history activities that may be of interest to members.

4.      Members’ privacy protection

Personal data will not be passed to any other person or organisation. Emails to the full membership of MLHG, or to groups of members, will be despatched BCC.

Personal data will be stored on secure electronic databases of restricted access.

Care will be taken that printed working documents containing personal data are stored as securely as possible within MLHG’s flexible working environment and will be destroyed when no longer required.

When a person ceases to be a member of MLHG all their personal data will be deleted from our storage system.

5.      Right of access, alteration and complaint

All members have the right to see and to make alterations, including deletions and additions, to their personal data by contacting the MLHG Secretary.

Members who feel that their data has not been handled correctly, or are unhappy with our response to any requests that have made to us regarding the use of their personal data, have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office by calling 0303 123 1113.



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