cog       Programme 2025

January 21st
Daniel Defoe Tour of the Eastern Counties 1722
Speaker :- Sarah Doig
Talk in Martham Methodist Church
7.30 to 9.30pm
February 18th
Annual dinner at The Boathouse, Ormesby
7.00 for 7.30pm Booking form and menu sent to members (or contact Pat for information)
March 18th
Aylsham Roman Project
Talk in Martham Methodist Church
7.30 to 9.30pm

April 15th
Jarolds 250 years
Speaker :- Pete Goodrum
Talk in Martham Methodist Church
7.30 to 9.30pm

May 20th
Coach Trip to Sutton Hoo and Woodbridge Tide Mill
8.30am to 6.00pm  Booking form will be sent to members (or contact Pat for information)
June 17th
Tour of St Peter Mancroft Church - Norwich followed by the Catholic Cathedral and Plantation Gardens
11:00am Car Share
Contact Pat for information
July 15th
Coach to Thetford for a talk on Maharajah Duleep Singh followed by a visit to the Charles Burrell Musueum
8.30am to 6.00pm  Booking form will be sent to members (or contact Pat for information)
Visit to Aylsham Roman Project
Car Share
Date and Time to be confirmed
September 16th
Annual General Meeting
Medieval walls of Great Yarmouth
Speaker :- Janet Edwards
Martham Methodist Church
7.30 to 9.30pm
October 21st
Yarmouth is the key of the coast
Speaker :- Mary Fewster
Talk in Martham Methodist Church
7.30 to 9.30pm
November 18th
History beneath your feet
Speaker :- Graeme Simmonds
Talk in Martham Methodist Church
7.30 to 9.30pm

* Coach trips in May and July: charges other than coach may vary


Talks are free to members.

Non-members £3.00