Elmside House, White Street, Martham -demolished 1990

The Yarmouth Mercury (26 January 2009) described Elmside House in Martham as, 

"One of the last splendid examples of 19th-century Broadland brickwork is to be demolished so 11 houses can be built on the site."

Elmside House in Martham was one of the few remaining houses made from red Martham brick from one of our many local brickworks.  During the 19th-century, the bricks, known as Norfolk reds, were used to build dozens of homes in Martham.  They were also transported from brickworks in the village by wherry to Yarmouth to be extensively used in construction.  This is an early photo of the hoouse in its heyday.

Although there was a campaign to save the house - a listed building in a conservation zone - Norwich-based developer Gladedale (Anglia) was allowed to demolish the building and build 11 cottage-style homes, in a decision given by a government planning inspector. Elmside House is one of the last examples of Martham brick, built by yeoman farmer William Johnson in the early nineteenth century.

Local historian Ann Meakin said, “It is a real shame that a nice example of a yeoman house made from individual Martham brick will no longer be enjoyed.”'

There is an entry for Elmside House in the Norfolk Heritage Explorer but this gives the location as the corner of Bell Meadow and White Street, whereas the house was on the opposite side of White Street:

    'An example of 19th century Broadland
    brickworkBuilt by yeoman farmer William     
    Johnson in red 
Martham brick. Due to be
    demolished to make way for 11 cottage-style         homes
    H. White (NLA), 5 February 2009.


Elmside - 26 Jan 2008

(Left: Elmside estate agent details)
(Above: Elmside, 2008)
Elmside from the rear - 26 Jan 2008
Elmside being demolished - 6 Nov 2009_jp
(Above left: Elmside from the rear, 2008)                                        (Above: Elmside demolition 2009)
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