Footpath 21

The green lane running from The Green through to the Willow Estate ie from TG456179 southwards

Physical Character and Historical Ecology

The earliest evidence for this lane is on the Enclosure Map of 1812 where it is shown giving access to Martham Green from the fields to the south. It is about 200 yards in length and 12 feet in width and was probably used by the farmer who lived in the ancient house on the left of the photo. That house is possibly three hundred years old. 

When a housing estate was built it became a useful short cut from the estate to the village green and shops. The lane is used by vehicles going to the properties each side but a barrier prevents through traffic. The hedges each side are of cupressus and laurel and are relatively recent.

Right: The lane from the south corner of Martham Green at TG456179 to the ‘Willow’ housing estate


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Footpath 21
                      The green lane running from The Green through to
                      the Willow Estate ie from TG456179 southwards