History walk 18

The footpath along the rond of the River Thurne from TG425187 to TG461200

Physical Character and Historical Ecology

This footpath may have existed for centuries but was firmly established by the Enclosure Commissioners under the Martham Enclosure which took place between 1807 and 1812. Under the Act the river bank was required to be raised to prevent flooding and also made broader. 

In recent years it has been strengthened and widened and the ditch on the south side has been moved farther south and widened to improve the drainage of the area following the increased threat of sea surges.

The footpath runs along the highest part of the rond bank which varies considerably in width.  

From TG425187 going east the bank is wide enough for chalet bungalows to be built with a paved path about four feet on the north side.  It continues like this although for a stretch there are no bungalows and no paving, until the boatyard at Martham Ferry is reached at TG445195.  Here the footpath goes south east along Ferrygate Lane and then round the end of the dyke (known as Martham Staithe) and then turns northwest along the side of the Staithe until the riverbank is reached again.  The dyke was created during the Enclosure but a mooring staithe must have existed on the riverbank before that. From the east side of the entrance to the Staithe the bank is narrower but with a level top about six feet wide along which the path runs. At TG454204 the path goes in a small loop around a small former staithe created at the Enclosure but which for lack of use over many decades has become a reed bed.  From here the path continues along the rond bank and skirts round the edge of Martham Broad to the boundary with West Somerton Parish. On the edge of the Broad vegetation grows each side of the path where trees of birch, pussy willow, elder, alder and oak have sprung up and where swallow tail butterflies are sometimes seen.

1.  The footpath at TG440192 looking East in the direction of the walk

2.  The footpath at TG440193 looking west

3.  Another view east at TG440192

4. The footpath looking east near the Ferry boatyard at TG445195.

5.  The footpath looking east at TG446195

6.  The footpath looking east at TG454204 as it skirts round the former staithe now filled with reeds

7.  The footpath as it skirts round the former staithe at TG454204

8.  The footpath looking back westwards from the edge of the former staithe


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1_ The
                      footpath at TG440192 looking
2_ The
                      footpath at TG440193 looking wes
3_ Another
                      view east at TG440192
4_ The
                      footpath looking east near the Fe
5_ The
                      footpath looking east at TG44619
6_ The
                      footpath looking east at TG45420
7_ The
                      footpath as it skirts round the
8_ The
                      footpath looking back westwards