History walk 15

The green lane from Moregrove to the edge of the former Common and then west to Ferrygate Lane at TG449192

Physical Character and Historical Ecology

The ancient green lane going northwards from Moregrove is the one which would have been used by the farmers since mediaeval times to drive their livestock from the farm to the Common.  It is about 12 feet wide.  At one time it probably had hedges each side. The stretches that remain are rich in plant species. The hedge on the west side includes oak, hawthorn, white willow, elm, elder, sycamore, poplar and maple. The hedge on the east side is about two feet above the level of the adjoining field and includes hawthorn, bramble, sloe, ivy, rose, hazel, elm, pussy willow, maple, ash and sycamore. We found common yellow toadflax which we had not seen anywhere else on our walks. These are very ancient hedges which have signs of having been layered in the past.

At TG453196 the green lane takes a right angle west turn to follow the edge of the former common.  Here it is about 15 feet wide and has a ditch which was formerly the land spring drain along the south side.  On the south side of the ditch are 12 mature white poplar trees as well as gorse, hawthorn, alder, elder and oak.  This part of the green lane was originally used to drive livestock westwards to the drier part of the Common.

On the north side near where the green lane approaches Ferrygate Lane are crack willow, pine, ash, sycamore, poplar, bullace and privet.  This stretch of the green lane was Private Road No.13 on the Enclosure Map of 1812.

1.  The green lane leaves Moregrove at TG454192

2.  The green lane turns north towards the river at TG455192

3.  Farther down the green lane

4.  Looking back along the green lane towards Moregrove

5.  The green lane turns west at TG453196 and follows the edge of the former Common

6.  Looking back along the former Common edge lane

7.  Farther west along the former Common edge lane

8.  The green lane where it reaches Ferrygate Lane at TG449192


Move to Footpath 16


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1_ The
                        green lane leaves Moregrove at T
2_ The
                        green lane turns north towards t
3_ Farther
                        down the green lane
4_ Looking
                        back along the green lane to
5_ The
                        green lane turns west at TG45319
6_ Looking
                        back along the former Common
7_ Farther
                        west along the former Common
8_ The
                        green lane where it reaches Ferr